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Sedentary fatal, office workers quickly move


For office workers, the state is often nothing more than one day from the morning to the office, and then remain seated, facing the computer. He has been busy with work. This is the norm for each office worker. But studies have found that sedentary prone to various health problems. So this should advocate office workers hurry to move. Because sedentary harmful, beneficial move.


 1. The way to work: work on the road you can choose brisk walking, for example, from home to the subway. Walk from the subway company. Or you can choose to ride the way to the company. Even before you wait in line for the subway when you can tiptoe exercise this is a very good exercise.


  2. work: In many cases is not the will to work can not stop. But we must move a bit up in your sedentary one hour after the walk. For example, it banged thigh (gall bladder), to promote lower extremity circulation. By stretching the neck, neck and shoulder area. You can even drink water, more running toilet. In short, do not let yourself be reluctant stool. Make their move.


  3. Evening: generally do not work at night, after dinner and his wife can go slow or family walk, walk. Or you can do more housework. Because do housework is also an activity. You can relax or do some type of exercise before bedtime, such as yoga. In yoga mat or bed to do all OK. By stretching motion. Also helps to relax the mood. Help sleep.

Summary: The above is from the movement to share parts of the body, every day sitting at the computer also important to stress that these parts of the activities. I did not choose to say walking, run, swimming, yoga, etc. These exercises, because for a family office, as you choose on any sport, and just let yourself relax. Let himself has always insisted on moving the motion is a good way. For their own is the best. You look like. The main thing is to make you keep the movement.

 For office workers crowd. Sedentary day. Really want to change a little bit, no matter how busy, taking even one minute. Even a few minutes can still come out of it? Important has been insisting to do it. The long run you will find that one of the benefits. Sport brings people either physically or mentally really only who knows who did. So move it!

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