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[Jen] gastritis proper medication guide

REVIEW chronic gastritis, is a common disorder of the digestive system. Due to chronic gastritis affect digestion and absorption of food, so the patient a great health hazard. Most people often drug their hands, but the stomach is still long treatment, recurrent, simply because no repair gastric mucosa.


Gastritis, You Know?

Gastritis, gastric mucosa belonging to produce chronic inflammation, but also in our everyday life common stomach. Most patients are asymptomatic gastritis, or have different degrees of dyspeptic symptoms, such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, postprandial fullness, acid reflux. Symptoms often recurrent, irregular abdominal pain, often in pain during or after eating, mostly in the upper abdomen, Cullen, some patients is not fixed, light intermittent pain or dull, severe cases of severe colic .

Stomach wrong, not sloppy, especially serious illness, you should go to the hospital for endoscopy, timely treatment, so small lesions illness.


Drug treatment of chronic gastritis are mainly the following categories:

1, antacids: Just on the surface and inhibition of gastric acid; still continue after gastric acid secretion will stimulate the ulcer surface cause pain.

2, gastric motility drugs: just rely on Western medicine to enhance gastric motility, promote digestion and relieve bloating temporary problem, but did not solve the fundamental problem of bloating.

3, drugs to protect the gastric mucosa: protect the gastric mucosa simply does not have the ability to repair, and the drug in a large number of heavy metals accumulate in the body, not only harmful to health, but the stomach is not conducive to self-repair;

4, anti-inflammatory drugs: kill H. pylori, but long-term use will not only generate resistance, also make stomach problems worse.

These common stomach is really for you?

Cure chronic gastritis, gastric mucosal repair is the key


Many patients with chronic gastritis eat a lot of medicine, but still recurrent stomach, and finally had become a veritable "Yao Guanzi." This is because patients do not know the final analysis because of chronic gastritis leading to gastric mucosal damage, and more do not understand the importance of the gastric mucosa. Gastric mucosa is present in the stomach wall very thin, very fragile mucosal tissue, soft, live a generally orange.

I have not thought about the stomach to digest food, and why it does not digest itself? That is because the surface of the mucosa of the stomach can produce some substances that gathered at the mucosal surface to form a protective film to prevent gastric acid into the stomach, which play a protective role.

Stomach is how come?

Gastric wall as natural "barrier" to protect the safety of the stomach wall. Once the burden is too heavy or too strong stimulation, dynamic equilibrium will be broken, and was followed by abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and a series of upset stomach symptoms. Lack of exercise or anxiety, depression, stomach movement slows. The residence time of food in the stomach longer, continues to stimulate gastric acid production, destroys the gastric protective layer, cause stomach inflammation, ulcers; if the stomach produces reverse movement can occur bile reflux, food and even reflux to the esophagus this reverse movement and stimulation of bile can also cause stomach inflammation.

Can stomach like skin, after the emergence of the wound repair. If there has been a negative stimulus, stomach restoration function may be wrong, the formation of gastric polyps, gastric wall thickening caused by obstruction and even stomach cancer and other adverse consequences.

The root cause of a variety of stomach problems occur Thus, gastritis, gastric ulcer and gastric cancer because of gastric damage.

To achieve the purpose of cure stomach, the need for effective protection and restoration of the gastric mucosa, ulcers and erosions remove tissue, sterilization, in order to truly get rid of stomach fundamentally!

Repair of gastric mucosa, to enhance gastric motility - Pu Yuan and stomach capsule

Pu Yuan and stomach capsule it is according to the root cause of stomach problems occur and developed on the gastric mucosa can play a good role in the protection and restoration, gastritis and stomach capsule taking Pu Yuan, can effectively inhibit acid reflux, vomiting, nausea, etc. adverse symptoms, anti-inflammatory, improve ulcer healing rate and promote self-healing stomach tissue, rapid onset Huwei, stomach lasting, natural and non-toxic side effects. 15 minutes miraculous, ended the day only the acid swelling and pain, the total efficiency of up to 96%.

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